Sculpture ~ Lettercutting

This skill has been part of human expression for thousands of years and much of what we know of ancient civilisations stems from the study of carvings and inscriptions left by our forefathers. The process of carving letters in stone is a highly satisfying activity and can be used to convey our inner thoughts as well as recording facts or commemorating a loved one.
It cannot easily be erased and therefore could be described as an act of creating a little piece of history to hand on to our children.
Teaching is on an individual basis. We help you with your projects all the way through. We suggest that the piece of stone you are working on is of a weight you can handle (although some exceptions can be made).
Carving stone in 3D or relief is slowly releasing the image you want to create. The process is addictive and very rewarding.
Our courses are held on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and we run one two-day course in May and a three-day course at the end of July.
Experimental work is also encouraged.
See a video of Helen Mary Skelton demonstrating lettercutting.
'I like coming to Skelton Workshops because it concentrates the mind' ...Jenny
'A truely inspiring environment'....Mick
'I like coming here because of the cake!' ....Michael
'Thanks again for last weekend, I really enjoyed it and aim to keep it up!' ....Gareth
'Thanks - thoroughly enjoyed it!' ....Liz
'...a BIG thank you for the weekend course that Amy and I came on this weekend. It was great to come on - we both felt very welcomed and enjoyed trying out stone carving a great deal! It was a brilliant weekend for us - a great stress reducing way to start out this next school year... and Amy is so pleased with her frog! It was also a great thing for us to do together...we both really enjoyed it! Thanks too for the teaching, the yummy cakes and the lovely atmosphere!' ....Karen